This program teaches students that shoplifting is stealing, a crime, has consequences and can eventually lead to more serious crimes.

This program helps students recognize anger triggers, comping skills, learn relaxing and de-escalation techniques. 


This program gives viewers the Do’s and Don'ts of text messaging, including the laws on privacy and child pornography, setting and maintaining personal boundaries and dealing with unforeseen consequences that come along with having technology at your fingertips.


This class summarizes the many risks of marijuana use such as the damage it has on the body and legal issues related to marijuana use. Some states have legalized the use of Marijuana for recreation or medicinal. We will also discuss that legal does not mean it’s safe.


This program discusses four key strategies for improving self-confidence and how to analyze their own behavior.


Many people are bullies and don’t even know it. This program challenges students to think about their own behavior by asking them a series of questions on how they treat others.


In this class the dangers of drinking will be discussed. Such as the damage it has on the developing brain and how it inhibits decision making.


This class targets all the crucial and dangerous details about tobacco and its effect on the body.


Teens today refer to vaping as “juuling”. This leads to nicotine addiction, exposure to known carcinogens, and substituting cigarettes when they can’t vape, means that an entire generation of teens is at risk.


This program helps students recognize that there are strategies they can follow to help them avoid making choices they might later regret. This video gives an in depth description of the four strategies characteristics of making a good decision.


This program introduces students to the consequences of alternative behavior and gives them the opportunity to engage in the best means of learning positive behavior.

Vaping marijuana is misunderstood as being “safer” than smoking marijuana, but vaping marijuana comes with its own set of dangerous risks to young teen’s health.


This program helps student reevaluate their style of conflict resolution. It will show them that bullying, sarcasm, threats, shouting and hitting are not effective and will introduce new effective ways to solve conflict in their lives.

This program helps students identify peer pressure when it’s happening and covers 5 strategies to deal with it.

With such an “online” world, it’s hard to form real life connections at times. Social Isolation can lead to physical, emotional and mental health issues. Experts discuss steps for teens to reconnect with others offline.


This video discusses several vape quitting methods including cold turkey, tapering and nicotine replacement therapy.

This program examines all social media sites and discusses how and why it is so easy to get addicted to it. This social media addiction has negative effects on real life friendships, relationships, family and school. This video will give ideas on how to have a healthy relationship with social media use.


Knowing how to conduct yourself in a new relationship can be tricky. This program discusses essentials of a healthy relationship, trust, communication, respect, and conflict resolution to help teens navigate a safe and healthy relationship.

Half of students are impacted by divorce. This video reassures young teens that while things are tough now, they will get better with time. Coping strategies and practical solutions that may help in transitioning through parents’ divorce are discussed.

40% of all teens experience fear of ordinary social interactions. This video talks to a group of diverse of teens who experience social anxiety and discuss their strategies of coping.


This video discusses key issues of self-acceptance including identifying it, why do we look for perfection in ourselves, how does social media and our peers influence how we see ourselves, what steps we can take to appreciate ourselves more.

If you do not feel good about yourself, you are more likely to make unhealthy choices. This program helps students recognize six key qualities that define good mental health and will help with making good healthy choice